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The movie I chose was the Godfather.  After watching it, this is one of my all time favorite films. It’s filmed with brilliant iconic moments, quotable moments, and beautifully shot. With lines like “I’m gonna make him an offer he can’t refuse.” or “Leave the gun, take the cannolis.” The opening shot of this film is a masterpiece. It’s an Italian man talking to Don Vito Corleone, played by Marlon Brando, the head of the Corleone family. In this scene the lighting is very dark with harsh shadows. This lighting reflects the scene in the movie, as the man is talking about how his daughter was beaten and how there is no justice for him and his daughter. As the camera pans out we get our first look at Vito Corleone.

As their meeting wraps up, Vito opens the door to his office and music from outside fills the once quiet space. This is the where the events of the movies begin. The wedding is Vito’s daughters and we are introduce ced to the family. During the wedding Vito’s son Michael Corleone, played by Al Pacino, comes home and brings his girlfriend, a girl named Kay. He tells Kay that his family’s business is his family’s, not him. This becomes a main part of the plot going forward. Throughout the film we watch Michael deal with things like the assassination attempt on his father and much more.

I loved everything about this movie. After taking this class I notice why the lighting is the way it is, and how certain things were done. The shot were very well done, I loved how they made the scenes very dark when something intense was happening. To me, the best thing about this movie was the plot. I thought the plot moved at the perfect pace. There was a lot going on this movie and I felt like the pace really allowed me to stay with the movie the whole way. I loved the subject of the movie, it didn’t paint the Corleone’s way of life as a negative. Instead, I was rooting for Vito and Michael to figure out the solutions to their problems. The characters really stick with you way after the movie. Each character has an iconic moment in this film. Like Sonny Corleone, he does get a decent amount of screen time, but the one thing you can remember from his is the fight he had with his sister’s husband. This fight was also obviously fake, you could see the actors fist missing each other with the punch sound effect playing over it. But scenes like that are iconic, the scene I’m talking about is one of the most iconic scenes in this movie.

I would recommend this movie to everybody. It’s one of those kinds of films that everyone has to see at least once. It’s cemented in pop culture and I hear a Godfather reference almost everyday. I would recommend especially to people that haven’t seen this movie. People who are watching this movie for the first time make me jealous, because they can experience it for the first time.

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