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The movie scene I chose was the opening scene of Star Wars: A New Hope. This scene is iconic and happens after the classic Star Wars rolling recap. We're introduced to our first look in this vast galaxy. The action in the movie starts right away as we hear the music kick in. Signaling that something big is happened because of the loud music. Something else note worthy about the music is that it was calm just before the ships came into frame. Then we see two giant spaceships fly over the camera, shooting lasers at each other. The most interesting thing about this scene is that the camera isn't still. They actually made small models of the ships, put them into position, and moved the camera backyards under the ships to make them look like they're moving forward. As we can see this is a cat and mouse game. The cat being the Imperial Star Destroyer, we can tell because it is so much bigger than the other ship. The rebel cruiser gets shot and we get our first look inside the ship as the rebels get ready to get boarded. We then see a cut away of the outside of the ship and see it getting pulled in by the tractor beam. The music stops as we see the rebels pointing their guns at a door. This scene creates suspense as we don't know who's in the ship. We hear noises, a flamethrower breaking down the doors. The door then explodes and the music kicks back in, showing that the battle has started. Storm troopers with emotionless helmets come crashing through the door. Once all the rebels are killed, we meet the villain of the movie, Darth Vader. Vader is dressed in all black, opposed to the stormtroopers white. Vader has a loud breathing, show that he's been through a lot. 

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