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The movie scene I chose is from Indiana Jones: Raiders of the Lost Ark. This scene takes place when Indiana is in Cairo poking around for clues to the whereabouts of the lost ark. He is accompanied by Marion, who has a clue about the lost ark. However, they’re being hunted by the other people who want the ark as well. This cause Marian to be kidnapped by the bad guys and incited a fight between Indiana and the kidnappers.

The scenes starts off when Indiana punching the bad guys. The lighting in this scene is better bright to give us the feeling that it is very hot there. The bad guys are also dressed in black turbans and robes to show that they're the enemy. We can clearly see that this fighting is fake. However, with the punch sound effect laid over it, the fight looks real. Also, if you look carefully in the back you can see Marion hitting someone with a pan, however, with the speed and force it looks like she's not hitting him that hard. Also one of the bad guys accidentally stabs on of his own, we see a quick shot of him pulling out the sword but with no blood on it. This is an interesting choice made by the director, adding blood to the sword would make it more realistic. Anyway, the fight continues and Indiana tries to protect Marion from the kidnappers by throwing her in a haystack on a wagon. However the wagon starts moving, making Indiana’s attempt pointless. This adds a comedic effect to the scene. We see guys in suits in the chase as well, showing that they are important. We can tell because the other kidnappers are dressed in rags.The bad guys go one way and Indiana goes the other. There are various cuts throughout the scene to take you through each part of the chase. Indiana soon finds himself faced with a very skilled swordsman. Showing off his skill Indiana looks very outmatched. However, Indiana just pulls out his gun and shoots him. This was actually improved, Harrison Ford was sick during the shoot and pulled out his gun to make it easy on himself. The director liked it so much that he kept it in the film.

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